There are so many factors to consider when selecting a music teacher for your child. It’s important that they have an understanding of the instrument and know how to teach it, but there is much more! The right music teacher can be as good as gold in helping with coordination, memory skills, and even socialization. …
The importance of music education is something that is often under-appreciated. Music has numerous benefits for children that are both physical and cognitive. It can help develop fine motor skills, creativity, and even improve math skills. It can also improve auditory skills and could be a form of therapy for those that have learning disabilities. …
One of the most common questions we get from our students is “How can I make my music practice more efficient?”. It’s a great question and it’s one that all musicians should always reflect on. You can be in the music room for hours plonking through scales or practicing your life away but still not …
One of MusoHunt’s teachers, Samuel, performed in the 2021 Bendigo Chamber Music Festival in early February as part of The Scotch College Horn Trio. The trio consists of Leon Fei on the violin, Derek Phillips on the horn and Samuel himself on the piano. The trio formed in 2017 under the guidance of Chiah Quah, …
A very big congratulations to our talented young star, Tracy Zhao from Melbourne is a 10 years old violinist, who has recently gotten into the quarterfinal round of the Sydney Eisteddfod Crowd Favourites Performances! Tracy was meant to be performing in the Carnegie Hall in New York City, USA in June this year as …