About the teacher
Dr Houston Dunleavy
Houston Dunleavy is an Ulster-born Australian composer, conductor and educator with a 30-year career as a creative academic in Higher Education. He has taught at The State University of New York at Buffalo, Interlochen Arts Camp, The University of Wollongong where he was Head of Composition and Acting Head of School, and The Australian Institute of Music, where he as Head of Composition and Production, and Academic Director of The Australian Guild of Music Education until 2020. He has published over 80 compositions and had performances on every continent except Antarctica. He has conducted over 40 operas, and appeared as Guest conductor on Festivals throughout the world. A new music specialist, he has been called “one of the best interpreters of new music of his generation” (Buffalo Arts Voice) and has been Visiting composer at over 30 festivals and universities, and his works are recorded on the Wirripang, Wayfarer, and OSH labels. In addition, he has conducted recordings for ABC Classics and Sony.
Read more about himAMEB Grade 4
Week 1
Revision of 3rd grade work. Intervals, chords, time signatures, key signatures, rhythmic patterns.Transposition and terminology. Vocal ranges, forms, the anacrusis, rules about accidentals, and the anacrusis.
Week 2
Begin grade 4 work.Scales and intervals; inversions; the principles of modulation.
Week 3
Scales and intervals revision. Chords in keys up to 4 flats and sharps. Cadences in four part style.
Week 4
Chord revision. Four-part writing introduction. Melodic writing; harmonising of the melody. More work on cadences in four part style.
Week 5
Four-part writing revision. Cadence revision. Transpositions; terminology.
Week 6
Terminology revision. Four-part writing revision. Melody writing revision.
General knowledge introduction.
Week 7
General knowledge. Identification of compound times, diatonic v. Chormatic, counterpoint. Introduction to Baroque dances.
Week 8
Four-part writing revision/cadences. Terminology and counterpoint revision.
Week 9
Mock exam 1
Week 10
Exam result 1, feedback and debrief.
Mock exam 2 Feedback and debrief will be emailed to each student.
5 people per group, $35 per person per hour. Lesson recordings playback available (Valid for 12 weeks) so you can do revision at home whenever you want!
Week 1
Revision of 4th grade work. Intervals, chords, time signatures, key signatures, rhythmic patterns. Transposition and terminology. Vocal ranges, forms, the anacrusis, rules about accidentals, and the anacrusis. Cadences. Melody writing and general knowledge.
Week 2
Begin grade 5 work. Interval recognition; diatonic and chromatic. All keys, key signatures and scales (major and both minor scales).
Week 3
Revision week 2. The principals of modulation in major and minor keys.
Week 4
Revision week 3. Harmony from a given melody, including modulation.
Week 5
Revision week 4. Harmony from a bass line for cadences.
Week 6
Revision week 5. Melodic writing for a given text.
Week 7
Revision week 6. General knowledge and analysis
Week 8
Revision week 7. Analysis
Week 9
Revision week 8. Revision and practice exam part 1 Scales, intervals key signatures and harmonising a melody
Week 10
Revision and practice exam part 2. Cadences, text setting, general knowledge, analysis.
5 people per group, $35 per person per hour. Lesson recordings playback available (Valid for 12 weeks) so you can do revision at home whenever you want!
Week 1:
Revision of grade 5 theory. Intervals, scales and key signatures, harmonisation and modulation; principles of 4-part writing; cadences from a bass line; Composition principles and text setting.
Week 2:
Begin grade 6 work. Harmony and chord spelling. Modulation principle to the 6 related keys. Harmonisation of a melody or bass in four parts.
Week 3
Two-part style modulation. Further melodic writing and text setting.
Week 4
General knowledge.
Week 5
Analysis 1 set work
Week 6
Analysis 2 set work
Week 7
Analysis 3 set work
Week 8
Revision of harmonic and melodic principles.
Week 9
General knowledge revision
Week 10
Analysis revision.
5 people per group, $35 per person per hour. Lesson recordings playback available (Valid for 12 weeks) so you can do revision at home whenever you want!